Homes for sale near Spring Hill Florida

Homes for sale near Spring Hill Florida

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Lauren loved Miami. Like everyone, she loved the beaches, nightlife, relaxed attitude and the vibrant cosmopolitan culture. Things, however, started changing once she decided to have a baby with her longtime boyfriend, Kent. Lauren and Kent knew that they can’t have a baby while living in a studio apartment in Miami. They figured it out that with their meager savings it would be impossible for them to buy a property in Miami. In a twist of events, Lauren ended up living with her mother during her pregnancy period. She fell in love with the natural beauty of Spring Hill, Florida. Once she heard about the price range, she made it a resolution that she would buy one of the homes for sale near Spring Hill Florida.

Lauren and Kent met for the first time in one of Miami’s best dance clubs. It was absolutely chaotic at Purdy that evening. Kent like an alpha male was the center of attraction with his killer moves. He and his group were ruling the floor. Lauren and her group challenged them for a dance- off. The final was between Lauren and Kent. Lauren edged Kent to be declared as the best dancer for the night.

There was the usual taunts and teasing on the dance floor left both of them bitter towards each other. A couple of weeks later, they ran into each other again at a mutual friend’s wedding. Once they spoke to each other, they realize how much they have in common apart from the obvious love for dance. They bonded towards in an unusual way. They were certainly friends, but the increasing attraction made it a bit more than just usual friendship.

Though they were not dating, they kept on meeting each other during weekends. Initially, it was only with their respective troops that they would meet in the dance clubs. Then, later on, they started moving each other for movies, dinner etc. Whenever their friends would question them, they would utter the same dialogue- ” Oh, no, not my type”. Both of them were, however, that they were getting sucked into the whirlpool named “LOVE”.

When Lauren’s roommate left her studio apartment, it became difficult for her to manage the rent. She thought of placing an ad on craigslist to get a room partner and hence share the rent. As usual, she discussed it with Kent. Kent seemed to be a bit absent- minded. On the same day at the movies,  when the hero proposed on the screen, Kent uttered the same dialogue into Lauren’s ears. Lauren answered him with a kiss on the lips. Soon they both were living together. They had their highs and lows, but both knew that they would be incomplete without each other.

Lauren discussed them finding a house among the homes for sale near Spring Hill Florida with Kent. Though Kent had his reservations, he knew it was futile to argue with Lauren. Obviously, Lauren wears the pants in this relationship. Lauren’s mother called up MPS Home Solutions to discuss her requirements. Soon, with the help of MPS Home Solutions, Lauren found a house of her choice among the homes for sale near Spring Hill Florida.

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